Tuesday, 15 November 2016

After Effects Induction - Part 02

After Effects 

Make another composition page

Go to file - Import - File and select the image you want on your composition page.

Once you have imported the images it will be on the project section. Drag the images to the composition section and resize the image to the desire size you want

Then start animating. Again press the letter "P" to start the animation. 

File - Import - file 

Footage - composition - editable layer styles 

Footage is a still 
Composition is a composition 
Then Composition - retain layer sizes - you can edit it more and more organised and arrange ther images  


File - New - Change international paper to Film and video - drop down arrow to DVL widescreen 

To put images on Photoshop - File - place embedded - then resize then - save as Psd - rename 

Photoshop File to After Effects

In this we made the stars rotate. Here we had to open a Psd file, with the file - import - file. 
Once its open choose composition and the all the stars are selected. 

Then to make individual stars move and rotate separately, open the file again. Then use the down drop arrow and change it to Composition - Retain Layer Sizes 

Then all the stars will be selected individually and then you can rotate them separately. 

Speeding up or down in After Effects

Hold Alt key. when selecting all keyframes (diamonds) move them closer together to speed up or further away to slow down 

Saving Animation

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